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Richmond breaks ground on the 13-mile section of Fall Line trail that will connect to Henrico’s portion

Henrico Citizen writes: Officials from the city of Richmond broke ground Aug. 28 at Bryan Park on the 13-mile portion of the trail that will run through the city, connecting with the Henrico portion in Lakeside. The 43-mile trail ultimately will connect Ashland to Petersburg, traveling through five other localities along the way.

This overhead image shows the newly completed portion of the Fall Line Trail in Lakeside (with a dotted yellow center line) and the new beacon (bottom right) that will help cyclists and pedestrians cross Lakeside Avenue between Spring Park to the north and Bryan Park to the south. (Courtesy Henrico County)
This overhead image shows the newly completed portion of the Fall Line trail in Lakeside (with a dotted yellow center line) and the new beacon (bottom right) that will help cyclists and pedestrians cross Lakeside Avenue between Spring Park to the north and Bryan Park to the south. (Courtesy Henrico County)