Character Areas

Trolley Line – Ashland/Hanover County


The Trolley Line character area starts at the northern gateway of the Fall Line at Carter Park in the Town of Ashland. The trail follows the old trolley line that last carried passengers between Richmond and Ashland more than 80 years ago. Downtown Ashland and Randolph Macon College are less than a mile from the trailhead. For those just beginning their journey, the Trolley Line section covers the first two miles through peaceful woodlands to the intersection with Cobbs Road in Hanover County.

Vision Elements

The Fall Line through this context area incorporates elements of the Main Street Trail north into Ashland and the Scenic Route typology south through the existing Trolley Line corridor. Key elements of these typologies for this section include:

  • On-street bicycle and pedestrian connections into
    downtown Ashland
  • Historical markers
  • Boardwalks and interpretive signage through
    environmentally sensitive areas

Power Line – Hanover/Henrico Counties


Traveling south from Cobbs Road, the Fall Line trail begins a nearly six mile segment along a wide power line easement. This character area is dominated by forests and farmland in the northern approach to the Chickahominy River crossing just north of Woodman Road. Continuing south, the trail passes through the suburban neighborhoods of Glen Allen, crosses I-295 and connects to commercial, institutional, and recreational destinations on either side of Parham Road.

Vision Elements

The Fall Line becomes both a Scenic Route and as a Neighborhood Trail through the Power Line character area. Key elements of these typologies for this section include:

  • On-street connections to Virginia Center Commons and
    Parham Road shopping centers
  • Interstate overlay at I-295
  • Emphasis on elevating the natural experience through
    wooded areas north of the Chickahominy River
  • Solar light fixtures with automatic detection and adjustable

Boulevard of Brooks – Henrico County/ Richmond City


This section of trail runs parallel to, or directly along, Brook Road in Henrico County and provides direct access to numerous popular park and recreation facilities, including the much loved Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden and Belmont Park. This 4-mile stretch is also defined by Upham Brook which flows into Bryan Park in the City of Richmond.

Vision Elements

The Neighborhood Trail typology is most applicable for most portions of this area, however the trail also becomes a Scenic Route as it winds along Upham Brook. Key elements of these typologies in this area include:

  • Opportunities to catalyze economic development along
    Villa Park Drive
  • Neighborhood trail access throughout Lakeside
  • Signature trail entrance at Bryan Park
  • Solar light fixtures with automatic detection and adjustable